Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My day.

As I was on my way to the pet store to pick up my new puppy, someone called me as I was at the intersection just before the store. I picked up my telephone, it was my friend Macy. She was yelling about how she had lost her purse last night when we were out for dinner, she must of just set it down and forgot it, or when we weren't paying attention someone could of grabbed it without us noticing. I told her to go back to the restaraunt and ask them if anyone had turned in a missing purse. When I said that, she only seemed to get more frusterated. I asked her what she was freaking out on me for, she said it didn't matter to me if she had lost her purse or not. I was on my way to pick up my dog, and it was her purse I wasn't in charge of it. Was she expecting me to go to the restaraunt and look for it? Finally, we decided that after I got my puppy I would drive over to her house and we would go to the restaraunt together. Just as I was signing all of the sheets for the dogs adoption she called again freaking out that I wasn't being fast enough. I grabbed all the papers once they were all signed and grabbed my paperclip and stuck them all together up above my visor in the car. When I pulled up to her house, I waited outside for her because I really didn't feel like getting out of my car and going up to her door and knocking to have to stand there for another five minutes. I just decided to avoid that and sit in the car and call her instead. I waited there for about fifteen more minutes while she "finished her hair".. talk about hypocrite. She was spazzing out on me for being a little while when I didn't even have to go there in the first place. She finally finished doing her hair and ran out to my car, and I told her next time to take better care of her belongings because I don't always have time to take her places and go everywhere with her. We arrived at the restaraunt from last night. She ran inside almost quicker than I could even get out of the car. I followed her inside, she was already talking to one of the people that worked there. The man told us to just wait a few moments while he went to the back room and asked the manager if anyone had turned in any belongings yesterday. We had been waiting for about ten minutes, and I was starved. I hadn't ate anything all day. It was just then when I noticed a cookie jar, filled with so many cookies. The best cookies I've had in a while. After we decided to drive around, we had a good day driving through the city.