Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My day.

As I was on my way to the pet store to pick up my new puppy, someone called me as I was at the intersection just before the store. I picked up my telephone, it was my friend Macy. She was yelling about how she had lost her purse last night when we were out for dinner, she must of just set it down and forgot it, or when we weren't paying attention someone could of grabbed it without us noticing. I told her to go back to the restaraunt and ask them if anyone had turned in a missing purse. When I said that, she only seemed to get more frusterated. I asked her what she was freaking out on me for, she said it didn't matter to me if she had lost her purse or not. I was on my way to pick up my dog, and it was her purse I wasn't in charge of it. Was she expecting me to go to the restaraunt and look for it? Finally, we decided that after I got my puppy I would drive over to her house and we would go to the restaraunt together. Just as I was signing all of the sheets for the dogs adoption she called again freaking out that I wasn't being fast enough. I grabbed all the papers once they were all signed and grabbed my paperclip and stuck them all together up above my visor in the car. When I pulled up to her house, I waited outside for her because I really didn't feel like getting out of my car and going up to her door and knocking to have to stand there for another five minutes. I just decided to avoid that and sit in the car and call her instead. I waited there for about fifteen more minutes while she "finished her hair".. talk about hypocrite. She was spazzing out on me for being a little while when I didn't even have to go there in the first place. She finally finished doing her hair and ran out to my car, and I told her next time to take better care of her belongings because I don't always have time to take her places and go everywhere with her. We arrived at the restaraunt from last night. She ran inside almost quicker than I could even get out of the car. I followed her inside, she was already talking to one of the people that worked there. The man told us to just wait a few moments while he went to the back room and asked the manager if anyone had turned in any belongings yesterday. We had been waiting for about ten minutes, and I was starved. I hadn't ate anything all day. It was just then when I noticed a cookie jar, filled with so many cookies. The best cookies I've had in a while. After we decided to drive around, we had a good day driving through the city.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

five things.

The 5 things I would grab out of my house, if it was burning to the ground would be;
- my animals, my family photos, my cellphone, some clothes, and my necklace.

I would save my animals because I love them a lot. If i lost my animals, I would be really upset, because they make me happy and I like to have their company. They are part of the family, to lose them would be like losing a family member. I would grab family photos because, you could never catch the same moments that happend when you were three years old again, or the first time you lost a tooth, when you took your first steps. So many memories would be lost, and memories are very important to a family. It's nice to remember the best times you had with family and friends with just a simple shot in the moment. I don't realize sometimes, how lucky I am to have my cellphone because lots of kids do not have cellphones! haha. My cellphone helps me out a lot, like when I need to meet up with my mom and if something bad happens I would be able to get ahold of and be told. I would also need to grab some clothes, I don't think we'd have enough money to go out right after our house burning down to go get some brand new clothes, we'd be a little short of money I'd think. My most important necklace is one that my mom got me, it has a cross on it. I'm not extremely religous or anything, I just really like crosses. And the necklace just means a lot because my mom is my bestfriend, and I love that she got it for me.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

my rant!

My rant is all about you special people who are so privileged and have sooo much money, and are so much better. I'm talking about you hockey kids, thinking your soo much better cause your in the academy or something special like that. I mean, not every hockey kid is stuck up ( so don't get your panties in a bunch ) and thinks there the best, but most of them.. like the 'OHA" ( okanagan hockey academy ) group. So many of them just walk by and laugh at you, because they pick at one thing wrong with you, and just laugh about it like they have nothing wrong with themselves. haha, yeah right.. no one is perfect. There's alot of things I can pick at about them, like them showering together, i'm not going to get into it, cause it's gross, but none of us non-hockey academy people do that?  Or atleast me and my friends don't. Also, we don't count how many people we makeout with or yeahh.. it's not really a game? Quit being so cocky! No one cares, but you guys. Just because you all get dropped off together and have a huge pack doesn't mean you get to do whatever, and say whatever. So, if you want to sit there with your little possy and pick stuff out about me, and my friends.. go for it, I got stuff right back for you! ;)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


My top three places I want to go to are: Cancun Mexico, Las Vegas, and Austraila. My reasons for this would be because of the beautiful physical features. I've been to  Cancun, already. I really enjoyed Cancun because there were so many things to do, and it was sooo warm. There was so many iguanas walking around my resort, it felt like i was outside in the jungle or something, and it was so interesting to see them, I even held one and got my picture taken with it. I got my picture taken with a parrot, iguana, a tucan, and a monkey! It was so fun to tan there because there were so many spots, and no one would bug you, only to get you a drink or something, haha.

   I really want to go to Las Vegas, when i'm older of course cause there wouldn't be too much for me to do there just yet. I want to go and see David Copperfield. My friend went and saw him, and he sounds really interesting. I just think it would be cool to see him to magic. I want to go to Las Vegas on my 21st birthday with my friends, because then you can go into casino's and you can drink with them legally. I also really want to go shopping there, and get lots of cool stuff, and get a really nice hotel :). It would just be funner when you're older because you could do more than just sit at the hotel go into arcades and shop.

   I also want to go to Austrailia because one of my old teachers, he was one of the best taught in Austrailia before he came and taught at Mcnicoll Park Middle School when I was there. He told us all about his experiences when he was teaching. And some of the things he told us were so amazing, like how it was different driving to work there than it was here. When you drive to work here, sometimes you'll see a deer or something interesting, but there he see's kangaroo's and more interesting stuff. One day outside of his classroom there was a big snake on the railing, and i just think it would be super cool to see that kind of stuff. I want to go there when it's really warm, cause I love to be where it's warm :). I want to experience how it is to live there, just for a while.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Super Power.

If i could have any super power it would be to read peoples minds. I've just always wondered what other people think about, because I know what i think about, it would just be interesting to see if they think similar thoughts, or they were total opposite of you. But to read someone else's mind, would be funny. They could be ridiculously funny, or you could find out if someone is really sad, and help them out. You could also find out what people are thinking about you, or others, you could find out it if someone is thinking rude things about you, if they're your 'friend' you can really find out if they're true or not. And you could also know if someone is going to do something dangerous, or going to harm you in any way. You could also help them out if they are thinking bad things or don't get something, by telling them the answer, or not to do it.