Wednesday, September 22, 2010


My top three places I want to go to are: Cancun Mexico, Las Vegas, and Austraila. My reasons for this would be because of the beautiful physical features. I've been to  Cancun, already. I really enjoyed Cancun because there were so many things to do, and it was sooo warm. There was so many iguanas walking around my resort, it felt like i was outside in the jungle or something, and it was so interesting to see them, I even held one and got my picture taken with it. I got my picture taken with a parrot, iguana, a tucan, and a monkey! It was so fun to tan there because there were so many spots, and no one would bug you, only to get you a drink or something, haha.

   I really want to go to Las Vegas, when i'm older of course cause there wouldn't be too much for me to do there just yet. I want to go and see David Copperfield. My friend went and saw him, and he sounds really interesting. I just think it would be cool to see him to magic. I want to go to Las Vegas on my 21st birthday with my friends, because then you can go into casino's and you can drink with them legally. I also really want to go shopping there, and get lots of cool stuff, and get a really nice hotel :). It would just be funner when you're older because you could do more than just sit at the hotel go into arcades and shop.

   I also want to go to Austrailia because one of my old teachers, he was one of the best taught in Austrailia before he came and taught at Mcnicoll Park Middle School when I was there. He told us all about his experiences when he was teaching. And some of the things he told us were so amazing, like how it was different driving to work there than it was here. When you drive to work here, sometimes you'll see a deer or something interesting, but there he see's kangaroo's and more interesting stuff. One day outside of his classroom there was a big snake on the railing, and i just think it would be super cool to see that kind of stuff. I want to go there when it's really warm, cause I love to be where it's warm :). I want to experience how it is to live there, just for a while.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this blog was very well written and had lots of detail. I was interested in what Brittany was saying about the three places she wanted to visit most. She had a good vocabulary throughout the blog and also made it fun to read. The only thing I noticed that could use some work would just be simple grammar mistakes like capitalizing and puntuation errors. Over all was a very good job. :)
