Thursday, January 20, 2011

Journal entry.

"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed."
- Elie Wiesel, Night, Ch. 3

This quote kind of jumped out at me right when I read it, because it reminded me of my first time going on a big camping trip with my Girl Guides group. I was so excited to be away from home and be with my friends for a while. To be a big kid. Once I had finally left and we were at the campsite a few hours away, and my parents had left, it sort of kicked in. I was automatically home sick, I wished they had never left. Then all of my friends and I went down to the docks to ride in the canoes on the little lake that was nearby. We all had so much fun trying to stear ourselves and going the total opposite ways! Once we got back to the docks we all tied up the canoes and went to our tents to get our stuff all set up. After we set up our beds and all that, we went outside to play hide and seek, but we weren't allowed to go that far because the other night before we got there, they said that there was a bear on the campground. We stayed within our boundaries because we were little chickens to even go out a bit. I must say that I absolutely rock at hide and go seek, and I still do! I was having so much fun forgetting about the fact that I was at camp alone without my family, until I realized I was having fun without them. Then I was all upset because I knew my family wasn't there with me. Over the weekend I had fun but every now and then I got really sad because I missed my mom and dad. The weekend felt super long to me because I wanted to go home so badly. That's always how it is for me. This is why I picked the quote above, I automatically thought about that weekend trip that felt a heck of a lot longer than a weekend.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Macbeth Part II.

Act II of Macbeth was very contradicting. As the King decided to stay at Macbeth's castle, Lady Macbeth started thinking of very bad things. She wanted Macbeth to kill King Duncan so he could be king. The King was unsure about the idea, but eventually thought it could work. Late at night when everyone goes to sleep, he drugged the knights and went in and stabbed King Duncan to death. He was hillucinating by seeing daggers infront of his face, he was trying to grab them. He went back to his room to his wife, all bloody with the murder weapon in his hands. She was angry that he brought back the weapons and didn't leave them there with the guards who they had set up. Lady Macbeth decided to go back and set it up to look like they did it. Lady Macbeth suggests washing their hands to wash away all the bad things. The next morning when Macduff goes in to speak to them he saw the horrific crime and panics and tells everybody in the palace. As Macbeth gets there, knowing that the guards didn't really kill him. Thinking about what could happen if the guards talked, he kills them right on the spot.

I predict that Macbeth will keep killing, and he will eventually get caught in the middle of a crime. And he will not be able to get the guilt off of his chest. Him and his wife will most likely go crazy together.

Blog Roaming.

1. Jesse Larocque's creative writing.
2. Taylor Charley's moral dilema.
3. Alorah Maher's creative hour.

Monday, January 17, 2011

life is awesome.

  There are so many awesome little things in life you never really stop to pay attention to. After thinking about all the amazing things I could write about, I just came up with two that could probably make me happy everyday. These two things would be: the smell after it rains when you step out and smell it, and wearing a sweater that is somebodies you love.

  There isn't anything more fresh to step out of your house into, than the smell after it rains. It's like you're walking from a boring dry room into an exciting hydrating environment. No matter the mood you are in, there is no way you could take that smell for granted, it's a natural smell and you should appreciate it, cause you could live in a little dumpy town where all you ever smell is the garbage dump. I think it's awesome to step out and take a nice deep breath of fresh air once in a while. I sort of wish it would happen more often.

  The comfiest thing I can think of that I enjoy doing is being lazy by a fire in sweats and a baggy sweater that belongs to someone that you love. Such as, your boyfriend, bestfriend, mom, or dad maybe. I know I have this sweater a boyfriend had gave me and it's so comfy and baggy just cause he was so much bigger than I was. The tattered sleeves on the end don't even bug me one bit because they are memories. I love coming home from a just overall stressful day and putting it on and just getting comfy.

  It's the littlest things in life you miss out on cause you're too busy paying attention to the larger things. Maybe soon you'll think about the little things in life. It's actually quite amazing how much I hadn't thought about before given this assignment. There are so many things to appreciate. You can take an awesome thing about of any bad thing also, so just think about it for a moment.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sleepwalking / hallucination.

Hallucination is a false event that is happening in a person's mind when they are sleeping, but it isn't really happening in the real world. People can experience hallucinations in their normal developing stages, mostly during the preschool years, 2-5 year old range. Common causes of hallucinations in people are: sleep deprivation, social isolation and rejection, severe reactive depression, reaction to medications, a reaction to hallucinogens such as LSD, or heroin or cocaine, also an amputation of a limb, also known as Phantom limb syndrome. There are different types of hallucination: Visual hallucination (seeing things) auditory hallucination (hearing things) olfactory hallucination (smelling things) gustatory hallucination (tasting things), and tactile hallucination (feeling things). Sometimes one or two, or more of those will be mixed together at a time. As you can see those hallucinations could probably make you do some weird stuff.
Sleepwalking makes you put your dreams into reality, as you are dreaming them.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mona Lisa, or the 92 year old lady.

This was the toughest decision ever. I'd feel bad if I left the old lady in there, and I'd also feel bad if I let the portrait of Mona Lisa burn to ashes. My decision all came down to the way I would feel after, and other people's feelings. I changed my mind several times, when finally I came up with chosing the old lady. If I didn't grab the LIVE human being in the building that I knew was there, I'd feel so much guilt. I also figured, that someone would grab the Mona Lisa painting, after all it is a very expensive, valuable piece of art. But, the lady - she had a family. She had people at home, waiting for her to come back. So they could probably spend more valuable family time together. The guilt would over ride my happiness of saving the art piece.