Thursday, January 20, 2011

Journal entry.

"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed."
- Elie Wiesel, Night, Ch. 3

This quote kind of jumped out at me right when I read it, because it reminded me of my first time going on a big camping trip with my Girl Guides group. I was so excited to be away from home and be with my friends for a while. To be a big kid. Once I had finally left and we were at the campsite a few hours away, and my parents had left, it sort of kicked in. I was automatically home sick, I wished they had never left. Then all of my friends and I went down to the docks to ride in the canoes on the little lake that was nearby. We all had so much fun trying to stear ourselves and going the total opposite ways! Once we got back to the docks we all tied up the canoes and went to our tents to get our stuff all set up. After we set up our beds and all that, we went outside to play hide and seek, but we weren't allowed to go that far because the other night before we got there, they said that there was a bear on the campground. We stayed within our boundaries because we were little chickens to even go out a bit. I must say that I absolutely rock at hide and go seek, and I still do! I was having so much fun forgetting about the fact that I was at camp alone without my family, until I realized I was having fun without them. Then I was all upset because I knew my family wasn't there with me. Over the weekend I had fun but every now and then I got really sad because I missed my mom and dad. The weekend felt super long to me because I wanted to go home so badly. That's always how it is for me. This is why I picked the quote above, I automatically thought about that weekend trip that felt a heck of a lot longer than a weekend.

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