Monday, January 17, 2011

life is awesome.

  There are so many awesome little things in life you never really stop to pay attention to. After thinking about all the amazing things I could write about, I just came up with two that could probably make me happy everyday. These two things would be: the smell after it rains when you step out and smell it, and wearing a sweater that is somebodies you love.

  There isn't anything more fresh to step out of your house into, than the smell after it rains. It's like you're walking from a boring dry room into an exciting hydrating environment. No matter the mood you are in, there is no way you could take that smell for granted, it's a natural smell and you should appreciate it, cause you could live in a little dumpy town where all you ever smell is the garbage dump. I think it's awesome to step out and take a nice deep breath of fresh air once in a while. I sort of wish it would happen more often.

  The comfiest thing I can think of that I enjoy doing is being lazy by a fire in sweats and a baggy sweater that belongs to someone that you love. Such as, your boyfriend, bestfriend, mom, or dad maybe. I know I have this sweater a boyfriend had gave me and it's so comfy and baggy just cause he was so much bigger than I was. The tattered sleeves on the end don't even bug me one bit because they are memories. I love coming home from a just overall stressful day and putting it on and just getting comfy.

  It's the littlest things in life you miss out on cause you're too busy paying attention to the larger things. Maybe soon you'll think about the little things in life. It's actually quite amazing how much I hadn't thought about before given this assignment. There are so many things to appreciate. You can take an awesome thing about of any bad thing also, so just think about it for a moment.

1 comment:

  1. britt i liked this alot. i think that you need a little more descriptive language, but it looks good.
